These break up the combat missions and, together, turn THE LEGEND OF SPYRO: A NEW BEGINNING into a great game that explores Spyro’s past and turns him into the dragon hero everyone loves. The flying levels work just like aerial shooters, with Spyro blasting his way through Cinder’s flying forces while dodging and spiraling out of the way of incoming blasts. These moves damage enemies across the entire screen. In addition to elemental blasts, Spyro also has access to one fury move per element. Spyro’s breath attack can be modified with elemental powers, and each of these four elements has three different attacks that Spyro can access once he collects enough gems. A New Beginning focuses more on battle than platforming. He will need all of these abilities to take down the evil black dragon Cinder, who is plotting to resurrect an evil force and take over the world. He has no idea that he’s a dragon, but once Spyro discovers this, he will have access to many of his dragon talents, including fire breathing and flying. The game begins with Spyro hatching out of an egg and being raised by dragonflies. GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, mobiili: Jakelumuoto: DVD, optinen levy, pelimoduuli: Lisää peliartikkeleita Videopelien teemasivulla Muokkaa Wikidatassa ohje Infobox OK: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning on The Legend of Spyro-sarjaan kuuluva toimintapeli. Play Legend Of Spyro The A New Beginning for Free on your PC, Android, iOS, or any other device.

This time, the game focuses on Spyro’s childhood and recounts the story of his first major battle with Cinder the Dragon. Download Legend Of Spyro The A New Beginning ROM for GameCube. Spyro the purple dragon returns in Sierra Entertainment and Krome Studios’ THE LEGEND OF SPYRO: A NEW BEGINNING for the Game Cube. The purple dragon returns in his best adventure in a while, but "best" is relative.